Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I've been a bad non-posting blogger. Nothing horrible, just mostly work stuff bogging me down. I also have trouble writing about life when I'm happy, preferring to reverberate with the feeling of fulfillment than analyze it. However, I realize that I am not keeping up my end of the moral contract to provide a certain amount of productivity-killing, mind-absorbing writing and so I'll endeavor to make amends.

But first, I thought I'd give everyone the giggles by highlighting some awesomely bad writing about sex:,6000,1652812,00.html


listie said...

It's good to have you back in blogland. Now if these darned library patrons would just leave me alone I could get some serious blog reading done. Darn; I'll have to put off reading the "bad writing about sex" until I get home.

listie said...

Good thing I waited until I got home to read that truly bad writing. I would have had to explain to everyone at work why I was laughing out loud (Shhh! This is a library!).

bridgett said...

Coren won for describing the character's penis as leaping like a shower hose dropped in the bath -- though I think I would have probably handed it over to Brando and his partner for the superfluous waste of a pearl. But then again, all of them had their points.

When I say awesomely bad, I mean it. I am currently grading papers and I know alllllll about awesome badness.

imfunnytoo said...

I dunno, some things are so bad, they're fun...