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Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
What, pray, is a 'Google-bomb?' persons at another blog tried to explain it once and it went into that part of my brain that says...too linear, too complex can't figure it out...
Here's the way Google works. The more times a site is cited on the web, the higher the ranking on the list that generates when you type in a query. White supremacists and anti-Semite groups have figured this out. In this case, a white supremacist outfit put together a crank website that would be the top returning cite if a kid Googled "Martin Luther King race" or some such. Clicking the top link would take you over into Aryan Nation land about why MLK was a bad guy out to get Whitey. Naturally, as an educator on race and the mother of a schoolkid who does research on-line, I found that to be a problem.
To change the rankings, one needs to find a bunch of people willing to collaborate. Participants agree to link to a particular site or set of sites, making it appear more popular. This will "bump" the offending link down a ways and submerge it far down the search return list -- in this case, off the front page at least -- in favor of more factually accurate data. When sites are linked more or less without comment for the purpose of manipulating Google rankings, that's called Googlebombing.
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